13 September 2022 – 17 September 2022

Together with our friends on Tipheret, we left the anchorage at the far end of Mykonos Island and motor sailed over to Rineia Island.

Our friends on Paloma, an Amel 50 was in the anchorage so we dropped anchor nearby. That evening we invited everyone over for sundowners on Calista.

The following morning Paul and I picked up Uli and we dingied a short distance around to the harbour on Rineia. Sabine stayed on Tipheret as dogs weren’t allowed on the island.

We paid an entry fee of 8.00 euro each then spent four hours wandering around the vast site. The Island of Delos is one of the most important mythological, historical and archaeological sites in Greece.

Investigation on the island found that it has been inhabited since the third millennium BC.

The private residence in Delos, the House of Dionysus stands out from a distance with it’s towering marble columns. The magnificent mosaic on the floor remains in good condition.

Another amazing mosaic flooring in good condition.

We walked up the ancient stairs to the top Mount Cynthus, the tallest hill on Delos (112m) for the views down over the island and Myknonos in the distance. It was blowing a gale up there.

Decending down the steps we ventured over to the far side to check out more historical site areas.

The first ancient theatre built in Delos was made of wood. In the 3rd century BC, the ampthitheatrical structure was replaced by the impressice stone one that still survives to this day.

The Terrace of the Lions is the most famous monument in Delos. It is lined with marble lions which where built in the 7th century BC. Only 5 remain. Apparently these are replicas as the originals are now housed in a museum.

Late morning we lifted anchor to sail back to Mykonos where we cruised by Little Venice then anchoring in nearby anchorage near the windmills.

It was just a short dingy ride to the shore where we were able to wander around the streets and eat at one of the many restaurants.

After two nights in the anchorage we decided it was time to move on, this time to the island of Tilos to celebrate Paul’s birthday.

About Author

Paul & Karen took up sailing in 2016 and are now living the dream seeking new adventures and experiences sailing to new horizons together.

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